11/03/25 Closure information / Measles information
The surgery will close for Training on Tuesday 11/03/25 at 12.00. Please remember that your local pharmacy is available to give help and advice for minor ailments, and NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, by phone and online.
If your problem is of a life threatening nature please dial 999 or attend A and E. We will re-open on Wednesday 12/03/25 at 08:00
There has been a recent rise in measles cases in the UK . Measles is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It can spread very easily. The following websites give more information Measles - NHS , https://wyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/
You can protect your child by making sure they get 2 doses of the MMR vaccine. Normally the 1st is given at 12 months and the 2nd around 3 years 5 months old. Even if you or your children have missed these vaccines, it’s not too late to get them. Contact your GP practice today.